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10 simple steps to motivating employees

25 Sep 2020

On average, we spend around a third of our lifetime at work, which is why it’s crucial for us to actually enjoy getting out of bed in the morning. We understand that at times team morale can be low, it happens every now and then, so we’ve put together some tips on how to crack the motivation barrier.

  • Create a pleasant environment. After the sometimes gruelling journey to work, often in traffic no doubt, employees want to feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel, which is our first tip. By having an open, bright work space, you create a positive mentality. Even the simplest of things such as having a microwave so employees are able to heat their lunch up if needs be, or simply offering a smile when they walk into the office contributes to a happy workplace. At First’s head office, we provide comfy chairs, a breakout area with table tennis, football and pool tables, and a vibrant office with our values and vision printed on the walls, and our employees love it.
  • Communication is key. Although you may know what’s on your employees “to do” list, they’d also appreciate it if they knew what your goals are. A great way to keep up communication is to have weekly/monthly meetings with your team. Don’t just be a name on an email. Meet up and discuss what goals have been achieved and what your expectations are going forward. This keeps everyone in the know and it only takes 10 minutes. Simple, yet effective.
  • Don’t micromanage. Imagine what it would feel like to have someone constantly looking over your shoulder at work. Give your employees some space to do the work in a way they feel comfortable doing so, and then check in from time to time to make sure they’re on track. A vote of confidence goes further than you may think.
  • Lead by example. Being a leader brings certain responsibilities. They learn from you and believe it or not, they notice when you’re having a bad day. If you’re feeling demotivated, so will your team. If you’re struggling to concentrate and find your mind wondering, do something productive such as tidying your desktop, clearing your work space or writing your “to do” list. This shows your team that even though there could be better days, you’re still putting the effort in.
  • Provide incentives. It’s common knowledge that the more you give your staff, the more you get in return. This doesn’t mean you have to break the bank giving them bonuses when they do good work. However, incentives are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace. It doesn’t have to be complicated; hop on to Amazon, buy 10 fun sized novelty gifts (chocolate coins, keyrings, desktop basketball etc…) and every time one of your team do great work, get them to take a lucky dip in the box. Another simple yet compelling solution.
  • Know your team. We understand managers are busy, and carving out some time to sit down with your team to discuss anything from ideas to concerns can prove difficult. However if you want to get the best out of your team, they need to know you have time for them. Top tip: take 5 minutes out each day to see how your employees are and make sure team morale is at a high.
  • Accept mistakes and move on. It can be very demotivating if you tell off an employee every time they make a small mistake. We’re all human, we all make mistakes, and we often learn from them. A good way around it would be to say “these things happen, here’s a better way to go around it next time” and figure out a solution to the problem, together. Don’t dwell on it, fix it, learn from it and move on.
  • Offer personal development opportunities. Development and training can really help certain employees feel invested in and improve their output at work. Yes there will most likely be a cost involved but how much more business could that employee bring to the business after having that training? Experience and knowledge are priceless.
  • Listen to your team. Employees are a valuable asset. They often spot issues first and can have great ideas for solutions. Make sure you have an open door policy and encourage open communication, so they feel comfortable to come and talk to you. This can prevent issues from escalating and can promote a solutions culture in your business.
  • Encourage respect. A good relationship is built on trust, so why should a work relationship be any different? Show your appreciation for good work, encourage two way communication, explain changes, encourage questions and discuss issues in a calm neutral way. Encouraging mutual respect ensures your team stays close both when things are going well, as well as not so well.

Alternatively whilst implementing a motivational strategy in your workplace, outsourcing your recruitment process can help to select ideal highly motivated candidates with your specific professional requirements.

If you need help with your employee attraction strategy, give us a call on 01925 907000 or email recruit@firstrg.com


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